Ashley Roberts & Ashley Martelle and Ariela Barer

Ashley Martelle has appeared in Best Friend 2023, Tales (2017), and Nightmare Angel (1997).

Ariela Barer's birthday is 14th October 1998. She's an actor and writer with a name that is well-known as the author of How to Blow Up a Pipeline (2022), Runaways (2016) and Atypical(2017).

Ashley is yet another Doll who hails from Phoenix, Arizona. Singing and dancing were among the first things she was interested in when she was only 3. Two years ago during auditions for the infamous Roxy show, Ashley found her home among the Dolls. Ashley enjoys playing the role of an Pussycat doll since she is able to support her confidence and sexuality. American Dreams and MTV Scratch and Burn are among her most popular other projects outside of her home.

Ashley Roberts  Roberts  Roberts Ariela Barer Barer Ariela Barer w Ariela  Ashley Martelle Martelle


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